The Esoteric Practitioner's Association
As a practitioner of Esoteric Healing Arts, Lee-Ann Bailey
is a fully accredited professional practitioner member of the Esoteric
Practitioners Association (‘EPA’). The EPA has been established to accredit and ensure the ongoing quality of the Universal Medicine Therapies. All EPA accredited therapies are fully insured. Esoteric simply means our inner most, the inner most heart or that which
is sacred and comes from our soul.
Fundamentally, and at the heart of the EPA and it's members is the dedicated approach to the science of energetic healing, that learned knowledge alone does not facilitate true healing. For true healing to be possible a quality of both personal and professional integrity by the Practitioner, must first be present. Therefore as an association the EPA advocates that as each person’s body holds its own unique science there is no script of applied criteria for specific conditions. As such, each client’s whole of body and life circumstances are contemplated and discussed, with an individual healing program then being offered.
To best support it's members with the understanding that each person's body holds its own unique science, the EPA provides a set of personal and professional guidelines that, when lived, qualify practitioners to work autonomously and/or alongside conventional medicine. When it comes to clients who are in need of, or receiving medical care, EPA practitioners understand that esoteric modalities work complementary to medicine and professional medical care. Therefore the EPA does not support alternative therapies as a means of client care where medical treatment is necessary. When a client chooses esoteric modalities as part of their health care program, the best possible outcome occurs when a practitioner is committed to working with, and following the advice and treatment plans of doctors.
The EPA supports and advocates each person's common right to choose their health care practitioner and type of care they receive and as a member of the EPA, Lee-Ann values herself as a practitioner who is part of the people's choice to exercise their right to care for their health with what feels true for them.
Further, the EPA supports it's practitioner members to fully adhere to local council, state and national regulatory requirements. Along with full qualifications in all listed modalities, Lee-Ann is dedicated to keeping abreast of scientific research, philosophy and energetic wisdom and maintains this with consistent study and participation in on-going training and development.
Fundamentally, and at the heart of the EPA and it's members is the dedicated approach to the science of energetic healing, that learned knowledge alone does not facilitate true healing. For true healing to be possible a quality of both personal and professional integrity by the Practitioner, must first be present. Therefore as an association the EPA advocates that as each person’s body holds its own unique science there is no script of applied criteria for specific conditions. As such, each client’s whole of body and life circumstances are contemplated and discussed, with an individual healing program then being offered.
To best support it's members with the understanding that each person's body holds its own unique science, the EPA provides a set of personal and professional guidelines that, when lived, qualify practitioners to work autonomously and/or alongside conventional medicine. When it comes to clients who are in need of, or receiving medical care, EPA practitioners understand that esoteric modalities work complementary to medicine and professional medical care. Therefore the EPA does not support alternative therapies as a means of client care where medical treatment is necessary. When a client chooses esoteric modalities as part of their health care program, the best possible outcome occurs when a practitioner is committed to working with, and following the advice and treatment plans of doctors.
The EPA supports and advocates each person's common right to choose their health care practitioner and type of care they receive and as a member of the EPA, Lee-Ann values herself as a practitioner who is part of the people's choice to exercise their right to care for their health with what feels true for them.
Further, the EPA supports it's practitioner members to fully adhere to local council, state and national regulatory requirements. Along with full qualifications in all listed modalities, Lee-Ann is dedicated to keeping abreast of scientific research, philosophy and energetic wisdom and maintains this with consistent study and participation in on-going training and development.
a committed practitioner of this living way means my presence of self-care,
personal, professional integrity and sense of purpose are maintained – as best
I can - from the moment I wake to the last moment of my day. Firstly I am me, a
tender, caring person who has a deep respect for myself and others. From this place I
then prepare myself for a day of being with clients, and take with me the
qualities of inner connection, self-care and an intention to do no harm to
myself or others. I don’t feel this as a
rigidity or a discipline, quite the contrary.
I experience this as a fullness, a freedom and the simplest way to live
and work as a practitioner of esoteric modalities."
The EPA as a governing body applies a particular focus on its members’ needs in relation to developing true and vital health and well-being in these transformational times. As a continuum of a practitioner's dedication and service to the community they regularly attend professional development workshops, presentations and participate in community awareness programs to maintain ongoing professional development. This in itself provides a foundational support that forms the basis of their interactions with clients in a dedicated and respectful level of care. Therefore practitioner members of the EPA apply a consistent and dedicated intention to live as full an esoteric life as possible. This requires ongoing commitment of living from a quality of personal and professional ethical standards that supports the development of ongoing self-understanding and self and other awareness, that then becomes a natural way to live.
“Living within the guidance of the EPA Code of Conduct is a way of being with myself, all others, my work and life as a whole. For me this means I understand, accept and apply how I am in life to a set of personal and ethical standards.
It is my daily rhythm that best supports this, as a foundation. It is simply to deeply care for myself, and behold all others equally in that same quality of care.
I experience a sense of easeful and simple confidence based upon my commitment to live with energetic integrity. It is each moment by moment choice that has been made throughout each day that instils this rested sense of knowing the treatment program for the client comes from me being connected to my inner most.”
“What is of significant support to my daily work is I can trust this sense of inner wisdom based upon my feeling of connectedness and not to waiver in the quality of my energy. In other words to not drop my awareness or how I am expressing throughout the day simply because I have left my client or treatment room.”
“To live within the EPA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct is nourishing for my mind, body and soul. My experience is that by living this way, my life has been reconfigured such that my entire way of being, feeling and thinking is as simple as it is joyful and interesting. Therefore I hold it as an ongoing privilege to offer esoteric modalities in our community and wedded with that privilege is the absolute blessing that I have the EPA Code of Ethics and Conduct to guide me in a life and work that I love.”
Choosing to become energetically responsible ultimately restores a natural feeling of well-being, equality, vitality, honesty and respect towards one-self and humanity. These qualities are much needed in the world today to support the community with bringing true healing and resolution to our deep seated ills and problems.
Your practitioner represents this way of life.